L2P Logo

Below is a range of resources to help you in your volunteer role. If you would like a hard copy of any of these resources, please contact the L2P Coordinator

Program Information

Merri-Bek L2P Mentor Handbook

Merri-Bek L2P Policies and Procedures

How to book the cars

Vehicle Maintenance and Safety check form—Carry out a vehicle check before each drive, only complete the form, and email the L2P Coordinator if an issue is identified.

Accident Reporting Procedure form – More information in the Merri-Bek Policies and Procedures – Page 7

Emergency Contact Information


myLearners Vicroads

myLearners Supervisor area

Supervised driver

Guide for Supervising Drivers


Driving Routes

Fawkner - suggested beginner driving routes

Brunswick - suggested beginner driving routes

Safety and Road Rules

How Safe is Your Car - check make and model safety ratings or search by budget.

RACV - Road Rules - rules on traffic, manoeuvres, safety and modes of transport and quiz

TAC Towards Zero

VicRoads - Road rules and road safety 

Drive Test

What you need to know about your drive test

VicRoads – Test and license fee schedules 

Driving Instructors drive test Criteria guide – Supervisors support learners through the 4 stages of learning, but this will ensure you cover all aspects of the test

Rules for P Drivers

Communicating with your Learner

Before you drive checklist

Communicating with young people

Understanding ACE’s (Adverse Childhood Experiences)

What is Neurodiversity?

LGBTIQ inclusive language

Responding to young people’s disclosures of abuse

Youth and Wellbeing Services

Local health and wellbeing services

Contact Us

For all enquiries, contact

Janelle Barnard

L2P Coordinator

E: jbarnard@inllen.org.au

M: 0457 791 480